Make your Life a Retreat

Join the 5 week guided group journey with Juliet Lever to design your life to be like a retreat

Join the group journey today starting 16 September.

A 5 week journey to redesign your life, to feel like a retreat

Have you ever felt like your life is too busy, too stressful? Take time to slow down, to connect and to weave peace and presence into your day.

Learn tools to help you rewire your mind, body and spirit.

This program is going to transform your daily life step by step building a foundation for fulfilment and focus to create the life you deserve. A life that you don’t need to escape from.

Because you don't need to travel to some 'far' away place to find peace and presence.

Payment Options

Instalment Plan

What is included:

  • Weekly Reflection

    At the start of each week you will receive a new worksheet, with journalling prompts and self-reflection activities

  • Guided Audios for Connection and Presence

    Two guided audios each week, 1 meditation and 1 body/breath awareness process

  • Support and Guidance

    Join a private Facebook group for all the participants in the program with weekly Q&A time with Juliet on Wednesday or Thursday evenings

How it Works:

  • Weekly Group Call

    Each week we will connect via Zoom at 730-830pm ACST on Mondays, starting 16 September

  • Apply the 5 Keys to Fulfilment in your life

    Each week covers one of the 5 Keys to Fulfilment encompassing Self-care, Self-esteem, Self-awareness, Self-Direction, and a Self-guided conscious life.

  • Gain Clarity and Connection

    Unlock true, authentic insight into your life, heal your mind/body and get connection to your true inner self.

Weekly Topics

  • Week 1: VITALITY (Self Care, Energy, Intention, Focus)
  • Week 2: VICTORIES (Self Esteem, Setting Boundaries, Reflection on past wins, Integration)
  • Week 3: VARIETY (Opening to change, New Thoughts, Self awareness, New Experiences)
  • Week 4: VALUE (Understanding your life values, Valuing yourself and your time, Intrinsic Motivation)
  • Week 5: VISION (Self-directed living, Goals, Accountability, Re-write your Story)
Suzie Kenny Suzie Kenny, Zest Holistic Healing

How lucky am I that Juliet came into my life! She wholeheartedly believes in me, she motivates and inspires me with her authentic approach to personal and professional growth and healing. This lady is the real deal, she truly cares about others in a way that is rare and special, she is completely professional in her approach and really wants the best for her students and clients. Thank you beautiful soul! Keep shining bright!

Lauren Hutcheson Lauren Hutcheson, Innsaei Healing

I am so grateful to experience the breakthroughs I have had working with Juliet. Creating a safe space where I felt I can go within and get too the root cause of exactly where I was being governed by limiting thoughts, and break through these beliefs so I could actually see what I am truly capable of, Juliet truly is a master of the mind. Her way of connecting consciousness has helped me develop a whole new mindset to create a life of fulfilment and empowerment which is so important through, relationships, work, business, self growth and I'm proud to say this will be with me for the rest of my life.
Juliet is innovative in her work which makes her truly the best!
Thank you for your guidance, wisdom and continuing a huge influence to change peoples lives all over the world. x

Join today for just AUD $199 upfront or 5x easy weekly payments of $49...

The journey begins in...

Course Starts 16 September 2019

Upon registration, you will receive a PDF Welcome document and be invited to join the Private Facebook Group for the course.


  • Q.What if I can't make all the Live Zoom Calls on Monday evenings?

    A.You will be able to watch the replays from Tuesdays onwards. You can still complete the weekly worksheet, daily routine and listen to the guided audios and Q&A on Thursdays.

  • Q.What if I need more support?

    A.As part of this course you can arrange a 30 minute ‘alignment appointment’ with Juliet at a special reduced VIP rate, plus ask questions any time you like in the supportive Facebook Group.

30 day money back guarantee

If you complete the first 30 days of the program and are not completely satisfied you will receive a full refund, no questions asked

Payment Options

Instalment Plan

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